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Deborah Thomas physiotherapy

I qualified as a physiotherapist in 2000 with a BpT Physiotherapy degree from Ben Gurion University in Israel.


I started my career in the field of sports by working with Men & Women’s Basketball teams.


I moved to work in England and gained extensive experience in the Leeds Teaching Hospitals; within musculoskeletal departments, as well as surgical and rehabilitation departments in Neurology, Respiratory, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and orthopaedic specialities.


I continued my holistic experience while working within the community mental health NHS service in Coventry.

I have worked in private outpatient clinics since 2003, further qualifying to use acupuncture and electro-acupuncture, Muscle Energy Technique (MET-Rx) as well as myofascial release and mobilisation techniques to complement my manual therapy skills.


In 2004, I undertook the complete Pilates mat-work training programme with the APPI – Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute – to qualify as a certified Pilates instructor. Since then, Pilates exercises, rehab, and analysing movement and posture have been a significant tool that I have used to help people regain beautiful, flowing, and comfortable movement.


I teach Pilates classes within the community, at all levels. My sessions include Pilates for golfers, as well as ante & post-natal Pilates. In 2005 I was welcomed by the APPI as a trainer and consultant working both in the UK and internationally training other Physiotherapists to use the APPI Pilates method.

Pressure Points

I continue to be passionate about a holistic and patient-centred approach. Before any treatment, I always include a thorough assessment and examination, followed by hands-on and manual therapy, personally designed exercise programmes. I accompany this with the setting of personal, achievable short- & long-term goals to get clients moving towards a better life. Providing Education and advice for self-management is also an important part of my service as it helps me empower people to prevent further issues and for treatment success.


Throughout my career, I have had a special interest in pelvic health. I have gained extensive experience and undertaken many post-graduate training courses which qualifies me to treat both men & women’s pelvic health conditions. 

To complement the Mind-Body holistic approach and expand further on helping people in pain and distress, I undertook Mindfulness (MBCT) training, as well as post-graduate training in Physiotherapy management of Chronic Hyperventilation and Breathing Pattern Disorders. I use relaxation, mindfulness approaches, soft tissue manipulation and acupuncture to further help manage stress, anxiety, and their physical manifestations.



First and Second Floor 56-58 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Warwickshire, CV8 1HH

Professional Memberships


Chartered Society of Physiotherapy


Health Care Professions Council


Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists: 



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